Thursday, August 14, 2008

Here Comes A New Challenger!

So, I've bought the tourney recordings and talked about going for years, and finally- My first year at Evo. A little bg info on Evo; this annual worldwide fighting game tournament formed in 2002 and today gathers the best players of the world to battle in such franchises as Tekken, Super Smash Bros., and Street Fighter.

I was knocked out of the competition early. It's only given me to aspiration to train and make a mark next year. My biggest gain was experiencing the event: Seeing a shared respect among such different people. Race, age, body type--defined no one. It was all about skill and technique.

Celebrating Street Fighter III, a piece of art I've created of Urien:
seen here kidnapping a student of Chun Li, causing her to return to the fighting scene.

1 comment:

dustin nguyen said...

so this is where you've been hiding huh?