Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor(ous) Day

I fill my days with work. And at the end of the day, I...I'm cramming the last bit of work in. One day, I'm gonna learn better.
It's Labor Day. So today I experience the joy of waking up at 2 in the afternoon. Not a joy I hope to return to frequently, but kinda nice none the less. I've got to close the Fedex Kinkos store at 10 tonight, and miraculously I'm out by 10:28pm. Typically, I'd still be helping that last customer or finishing up that last job....but hey, maybe I am learning.
And then I realize there's work to be done for Home and Body Co. Hmmm. Well, I'd better down this 5-Hour Energy and get to work. Just when the end of the day was so close....


Unknown said...

Certainly sounds like you've been working hard, George. Labor Day is one of those holidays you always liked as a kid but never truly appreciate until you're working.

By the way, I noticed you took an energy shot before going to work. I often do the same... have you ever tried 6 Hour Power? Their drinks provide long-lasting energy without the crash, and they come in a variety of flavors. Check them out at www.6hrpower.com

George, I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog... I work with 6 Hour Power so let me know if you have any questions about the 6HP drink. I'd love to hear your thoughts of the drink!

Franklin Keane

George said...

Thanks for stopping by, Franklin.
Yeah, some days I definitely need a kick to jump start my workload, so I'll be sure to check out 6 Hour Power if I see it in the store.

Unknown said...

That's cool, George. It's been working great for me, and I'm sure it will do the same for you. You should have no problems finding it in stores like 7-11 and you can buy it online on sites like Amazon or Stacker 2's.

Franklin Keane